This is for all the people all up in arms about the "New Facebook".
(Sarcasm Warning)Well I guess I'm a little upset about this whole New New Facebook where you can hide what others see and whatnot. This is insanity. Where are my rights as a stalker to have as much information as possible, about anyone I want, as quickly as possible, without them having the right to choose whether or not I get to see it. But then again everything that the news feed had on it is just as accessible as it was before the new new facebook and before that when it was the "Old Facebook".
If I looked at Keiths profile and Nathan wrote on his wall, I just click on Nathans name and boom there is Nathans wall with something that Keith probably wrote. Here's another idea for poops and laughs. If you don't want people reading what you write to someone else don't post it on a public viewing wall. Crazy right. And why would you write a new status if you didn't want your "facebook friends" to read it.
Let's see what else does the news feed show. OH when your friend joins a group. Meryl has joined the group "The New Facebook = Stalkers Paradise". Why is that such a big deal. Now Meryl's friends konw she is in a new group. Maybe her friends will see that and say Hm... that sounds like an interesting group maybe I would like to join. Or a friend adds a TV show, Movie, Music, etc to their interests and something clicks in your brain I saw that a commercial for that but haven't checked it out but My friend Stacy seems to like Two a Days it maybe I should check it out.(I won't because it looks horrendously gay) Or they add an interest or a class or anything and for some reason people think it's an invasion of privacy.
If you want privacy send a private message that simple. That's what that is there for. Posting anything on anyones wall or on your own profile is inviting and asking for people to look at it. That is the point of doing it. It's a community of people and friends sharing their comments thoughts and interests. Anybody catching on yet.
Before when you looked at your friends and they had recently updated profiles I would look at them and be like what the hell did they update. Now you know. Does it really bother you that I know that you wrote on someone elses wall. If it does set your profile so only your friends can see it and don't be friends with me or anyone you do'nt want to be.
(SW) Hold on a second I'm gonna take a break from writing this note and write on my friend Julie or Jen or Alyssa's wall but gee golly gosh what if Kassidy sees it, I sure hope she doesn't. And you guys out there better not be writing on Kassidy's wall because now I will know about it. Oh wait when I looked at her profile there it was. So if you're trying to hook up try it in a private message. Anyone catching on yet?
Nobody would have these problems if you didn't just accept anyone you meet drunk one night and talk to and the next day you are "Facebook Friends" because they "Facebooked" you and now you finally crossed the 7549 friends milestone. Also now you know when I made a note and you read this whole thing so I'm happy. And yes I do have way too much time on my hands and no I won't get a job or something. (SW)Gosh I'm just so pissed if anyone is reading this because it came up on someones mini news feed and now they are invading my privacy. Get it yet people.
I hope so.
(Sarcasm Warning)Well I guess I'm a little upset about this whole New New Facebook where you can hide what others see and whatnot. This is insanity. Where are my rights as a stalker to have as much information as possible, about anyone I want, as quickly as possible, without them having the right to choose whether or not I get to see it. But then again everything that the news feed had on it is just as accessible as it was before the new new facebook and before that when it was the "Old Facebook".
If I looked at Keiths profile and Nathan wrote on his wall, I just click on Nathans name and boom there is Nathans wall with something that Keith probably wrote. Here's another idea for poops and laughs. If you don't want people reading what you write to someone else don't post it on a public viewing wall. Crazy right. And why would you write a new status if you didn't want your "facebook friends" to read it.
Let's see what else does the news feed show. OH when your friend joins a group. Meryl has joined the group "The New Facebook = Stalkers Paradise". Why is that such a big deal. Now Meryl's friends konw she is in a new group. Maybe her friends will see that and say Hm... that sounds like an interesting group maybe I would like to join. Or a friend adds a TV show, Movie, Music, etc to their interests and something clicks in your brain I saw that a commercial for that but haven't checked it out but My friend Stacy seems to like Two a Days it maybe I should check it out.(I won't because it looks horrendously gay) Or they add an interest or a class or anything and for some reason people think it's an invasion of privacy.
If you want privacy send a private message that simple. That's what that is there for. Posting anything on anyones wall or on your own profile is inviting and asking for people to look at it. That is the point of doing it. It's a community of people and friends sharing their comments thoughts and interests. Anybody catching on yet.
Before when you looked at your friends and they had recently updated profiles I would look at them and be like what the hell did they update. Now you know. Does it really bother you that I know that you wrote on someone elses wall. If it does set your profile so only your friends can see it and don't be friends with me or anyone you do'nt want to be.
(SW) Hold on a second I'm gonna take a break from writing this note and write on my friend Julie or Jen or Alyssa's wall but gee golly gosh what if Kassidy sees it, I sure hope she doesn't. And you guys out there better not be writing on Kassidy's wall because now I will know about it. Oh wait when I looked at her profile there it was. So if you're trying to hook up try it in a private message. Anyone catching on yet?
Nobody would have these problems if you didn't just accept anyone you meet drunk one night and talk to and the next day you are "Facebook Friends" because they "Facebooked" you and now you finally crossed the 7549 friends milestone. Also now you know when I made a note and you read this whole thing so I'm happy. And yes I do have way too much time on my hands and no I won't get a job or something. (SW)Gosh I'm just so pissed if anyone is reading this because it came up on someones mini news feed and now they are invading my privacy. Get it yet people.
I hope so.
This blog was a lot cooler when I read it on facebook....
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